I’ve been switching themes around on this blog a bit over the last few weeks. While I happen to like some elements of the current theme, I’m not 100% happy with it. I’m not sure why exactly, but it “isn’t me”
The previous theme was functional, but not very slick or professional looking and was quite cluttered after a while
So, what I’d like is some constructive feedback and input.
What sort of elements should be here?
Is this theme the right kind of theme?
Could you suggest a better theme?
Should I be looking at something completely different?
Should I get someone to do a theme for me?
The theme is starting to take shape. I’m not gone on the nested headers you have in the right hand side (where about is the outermost, then it drops in for the rest).
The ability to hide some of the menu options on the right is nice. The menu that you have underneath the main graphic, have you tried or considered placing it above the main graphic?
I think polls are something not to be overlooked either, I’ve just added one to NFLView.com and will likely add one to Creative Imagination as it drives a lot more traffic. Also gives people another reason to come back, usual story.
Maybe a name for your blog inside the header graphic?
I absolutely love it. But then, I would.
Seriously, I think it works well. v4.0 is a straightforward ‘application’ style theme. If you did want a custom theme from the ground up, I’m more than happy to take commissions….
I like the banner graphic but think you could blend some text into it for more impact. It would be cool to see that graphic in smaller dimensions as part of your RSS feed because I normally visit mneylon.com only through the aggregated side on my mobile phone.
on the right hand side of the menu, when you toggle the “Networks & More” option, your right hand menu jumos down to the bottom of the page and to the left hand site.
The reason for this is becuase you have a fixed table width for the main content of your site. The width of the advert for “onemillionblogs” is to wid, and that is why it is jumping down below.
Just a small thing to rectify on the site, another thing that i would do is perhaps introduce a new colour. Although you have various shades of blue over the site, you need a contrasting colour to provide more of a visualization punch for the site.
As for the layout and design, it’s not too bad at all, i would do something more with the header image, as it looks a bit to plain and simple by itself at the top, doesn’t have much of a connection with the rest of the site.
I like it. It’s a lot cleaner and has a sense of coherance about it.
Ken – I’m not sure if I can do that easily, but it might be worth looking at.
Why would I have polls? π
Bernie/Ken – Agreed about the header – some text would help alright
Bernie – I’ll have to see if I can get a small version of the header or some derivative into the rss. It’s not an option in feedburner that I’ve every looked at
Anthony – are you acusing me of incoherence? π
Sure, you’ve already got a strong reader base, but where you can’t or don’t get comments, a poll of topical interest gives an extra hook, and it doesn’t get shunted down the list with all your other posts.
I have considered that in the past, but the problem is the topic to poll people on π
You could always poll people on whether or not they think you should have polls on your blog and take it from there π
I like the way you think!
I’m not mad on it at all. I could understand the blue if you were going to migrate over to a Blacknight blog but it’s just too dull. ALso – the headings etc are too heavy – too much going on. I find myself not visiting as much as I had.
My 2 cents :/
it’s nice. Niggles:
why is categories expanded? I’d rate recent comments as far more important. Drop the ‘In ‘ from below the post title. And maybe change the big thick faded blue bar below the post title info. It’s too much.
The little white line empty space to the right of the blacknight logo is annoying.
the template is thin enough so you’re obviously worried about lower resolutions – so wasting 200 pixels (1/3 of the screen at 800×600!) or so up the top with the image and then the overly high menu items is a bit mean for those on smaller res.
Peter – thanks for the feeback. I didn’t consciously choose the blue to go with the Blacknight colours, as I really don’t want this blog to end up looking like the company site π Maybe it was a sub-conscious choice, maybe it seemed like a good idea at the time..
Danger – the logo will be gone in a few days once that special offer is finished, though you have a very valid point.
I agree entirely about the prominence of the content elements in the sidebar. I may tweak it a bit …
The width was not chosen deliberately, but you have a very good point with regard to the header image.
The “in” can easily be dumped..
Thanks for the feedback π
I like it – a lot less cluttered than the previous version.
Imitation being the sincerest form of flattery, can I get it as a WordPress theme for my site?!
See the footer for a link to the theme creator’s site (he commented further up)