HTML to RSS Conversion?

For a variety of reasons I’ve been trying to find a simple way of converting plain HTML pages into RSS.
Does anyone know of a script that can do this?
It doesn’t matter which platform the script runs on, as long as it isn’t Apple Mac (as I dont’ have access to any)
Obviously I’d prefer if the script was linux based ie. php, perl or python, but I’m not adverse to using ASP if it does the job

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. hehe – see that’s the thing – that’s a function that builds a webpage from a database entry, then converts that to RSS. You most likely do not use the same db schema, so the code will not be immediately useful to you. but – get one of your code monkeys to throw an eye over it and they’ll have something up and running in no time.

  2. Kae – code monkeys? Oh dear !! I’ll tell them 😛
    Not sure how they’ll like that though
    As you rightly guessed I don’t have the content in a database.. It’s all plain old-fashioned HTML
    Thanks anyway..

  3. Assuming the HTML is fairly regular, it should be quite easy to write such a thing. Loop through pages, extract any metadata you want to use in the RSS, and you’re done.

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