Harry Potter Mania In The Blogosphere

I am a self-confessed Harry Potter fan
I own all the DVDs in a nice little boxset.
I have all the novels that have been released to date (some twice!)
I will be buying a copy of the last book as soon as it is available in the shops (ie. this weekend)
I have ordered the Royal Mail stamp set and am currently admiring the first few stamps that arrived today.
Donncha, however, seems to have hit an interesting chord.
A few days ago, as happened prior to the release of the last book, a number of people started posting about how the latest Harry Potter was available on bit torrent.
Personally I didn’t really care, since I can’t stand reading long texts off a screen and want the familiar feel of dead tree in my hands.
Of course the rumours about the torrents were a scam or a joke (depending on your point of view!).
It transpires that the files in question are of a book inspired by Harry Potter / Jk Rowling and written by a fan NOT JK Rowling herself.
While this is made abundantly clear in the comments on Donncha’s blog every second comment is a pathetic plea for a copy of the book.
Yes Donncha, it does remind me of Devil Wears Prada 🙂

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.

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