Gallic Madness – France to Ban Free Software

According to a press release from Free Software Foundation France, the French government is on the point of banning free software.

The French revolution may have removed the royal family, but a couple of hundred years later it looks like the new royalty are removing liberties from the populace.
If it was April 1st I would consider this a joke and laugh it off, however it seems to be the truth.
I would wonder if this is even legal. Surely it constitutes an infringement of a freedom of expression etc.,?

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.

One comment

  1. Scary stuff! Will they be forced to use Internet Exploder too? I am not too sure what the motive of the government actually is, but I can only speculate. Perhaps it is shielding people’s job — people in the software industry, that is. Maybe it is the realisation of that DRM and the like suffer from OSS (if not vice versa).

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