Films To Avoid – Children of Men

I rented Children of Men this weekend, as well as a couple of other films that I’d missed at the cinema.
While I could bore you to tears by providing a detailed review of the film and Clive Owen’s performance – I won’t.
Clive Owen’s performance was fine, but the script wasn’t.
Michael Caine’s performance was interesting, although his character wasn’t fully developed.
I’d wait until this film is shown on TV ie. DO NOT pay to watch it

Categorised as Cinema

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. I loved it too actually – had a great feel, was well directed and executed – loved it 🙂

  2. This was easily one of my favourite films of last year. Some parts of the story were a little off, but that’s what I liked about the movie – without too much expository dialogue, we get a more believable world.
    What specifically didn’t you like about it?

  3. I’m going to jump on the bandwagon here also, cracking film.
    Michele I suggest you watch it again 🙂

  4. I’m going to jump on the bandwagon here also, cracking film.
    Michele I suggest you watch it again 🙂

  5. I saw it a few weeks back, and I kind of have to agree with Michele. My problem with it was that it felt as it there was a big lump of the movie missing, and it left me feeling rather, well, unsatisfied.

  6. Ah ok, that I do agree with Keith, that it felt edited to fit into the typical Blockbuster length. It certainly could be a better film and I think a director’s cut might help.

  7. I don’t know why people are apologising 🙂
    I didn’t like the film. A number of you did.
    I think Keith hit the nail on the head – it felt like it was missing something.

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