For the last few days a lot of Irish bloggers seem to have been competing to see who has the most subscribers to their feeds. *yawn* π
I find it kind of amusing to watch, though I have got to hand it to Eoghan. He’s come up with a really nice incentive!
At the current rate of going I’ll catch up with your number of subscribers at 2.30pm on January 3rd 2018.
I’ve already scored a free pint from Paul so I’m a happy chappy….
Ah now Michele, it’s the biggest % increase so us Z-listers stand a chance of winning that magical pint.
Ah now Michele, it’s the biggest % increase so us Z-listers stand a chance of winning that magical pint.
Paul / Conor
I used to watch the subscriber numbers closely, as well as the Technorati figures, but I gave up. There’s some fantastic blogs out there that aren’t “A list”, while there are plenty of “A list” blogs that are simply regurgitating the same junk as everyone else or seem to be a constant whine.
Ken – I was surprised you didn’t have more subscribes already!
Surprised? Ah Jesus…. think that one makes me feel bad now!
The number of subscribers is really irrelevant. A lot of bloggers are influential without flaunting the number of readers etc.,
You’re absolutely right on that one π
Stuff I do (work for Corporates and Enterprise) tends to be lumpy (less than 1% of people reading the blog will eventually help me make a sale). Trouble is I don’t know which 1%.
I have the counter on the blog I’m guessing for similar reasons to yourself – something like ‘X amount of people read this blog , so it can’t be that bad! – subscribe’. That person may be the 1 in 100 for me.
you could always offer free domains or hosting π
I use FeedBurner but I find that it can jump up a bit, but I do think when people see that there are people subscribed then they are more likely to subscribe. Rather than just have a plain orange RSS button. It seems a little more personal, IMHO.
PaulB – all you need is a a couple of people who actually spend π
PaulS – Boring π I usually give away iPod Nanos !
Wow, I’m actually quite surprised how low some of them are. I’ve more subscribers than a few of them (!)
I was very surprised as well!