Essential Software?

What would you consider to be essential tools for your PDA?
The standard applications that ship with it leave a lot to be desired.
Obvious ones:
SSH client: The only one I’ve found that is anyway usable is PSSH. It works fine, but the default display setting will make you go blind, so change them as soon as you can.
Java: You can grab a Palm specific version over at PalmOne. When I first got a copy of it back in December 2003 there was very little information on there, but they seem to have taken some more interest in it recently, and now include links to a number of sites where you can download midlets.
Email/Web: I’m still trying to find a usable IMAP client. I tried the Qualcomm suite, but it didn’t handle my IMAP folders very well. Palm have an email client, but it’s not bundled with the OS or available for free. I’ll keep rummaging……..

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.

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