Last year I mentioned Twink.
That was in September of last year.
It’s now January and I’m still getting hits on that post.
I checked my stats…
Since September 1st 2006 I’ve had about 2000 visits from people looking for Twink (or something to do with her).
In the same period I’ve had about 3000 visits from people looking for XtraVision (extra vision / Xtra Vision / xtra-vision).
The vast majority of the other search queries cover topics like Ubuntu, Apache 2 and amazon UK, to name but a few.
Harry Potter wasn’t that busy a search topic during that period, but I’d expect that to change over the next couple of months as both a new book and a film are due to be released later this year.
Why do I mention any of this?
I suppose it’s morbid fascination more than anything else.
I’m not particularly interested in Twink. I posted about Xtra Vision a couple of times, yet I still get comments on those posts.
The topics that actually interest me don’t get that anything like the volumes of traffic that the “off topic” ones generate.
So maybe I’ll start a celebrity blog 🙂
I’ve no idea what I’d write on a celebrity blog…
The social life of Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Alba or any of the other “A list” celebrities don’t exactly enthrall me. I may enjoy watching the films, but I’ve never been overly excited by their private lives…
when I wrote this I got a spike in traffic.
taking your idea to a higher level, lets say on day zero the grapevine says Mr. X from celebs A list is up to no good, in days the blogosphere will have it and 6 days later its on the ground flapping on the pages of metro news.
well blog about Mr. X on day zero, and by day 3-4 or 5 see the curve rise, day 6 peak and so on, but do it to see how people search,,, the results are skewed to positive finds to your words tags metadata title keywords and page rank but fun all the same.
if a big report is scheduled to come out next thursday, do it to that, or if you want to steal thunder from the meteor awards that are on the same night as the DMAs in dublin, blog it now. [feb 1st i think]
Now you’re trying to get me into trouble :
The same has happened to me too. Ever since Pamela Anderson was in Borat there has been a marked increase in searches for her and her video. Quite often they’ll find a post I made way back in 2002.
Brands and celebrity matter. It’s sad, but if you’re chasing traffic …
On Jan 8th I worte a post title Matthew:10 with a post slug radio4jesus.
Yesterday I was position#8 in google for the search term ‘Matthew 10’
at that rate I could sell a lot of bible’s on referal from amazon, and no michele its MY IDEA so feck off.
the lord is blogging.!
Nice to see you found religion 🙂
Donncha – Do you have the favourite posts plugin?
Favourite posts? No, just a few self-written ones.
One that grabs the most popular posts from my referer db table, and the other which lists the last 10 visited pages… yes, I must package it all into a plugin one of these days!