ccTLD and other non gTLD numbers …

The last week has seen some interesting news in the world of regional domains.
Eurid’s latest statistics show that they will hit the 2 million domain mark very soon. Of course there’s no easy way to see how many of them are actually valid and what’s more worrying is the registry’s attitude towards this.
AFNIC, the French registry, published an initial report of their “liberalisation”:

The launch process, distributed from June 20th to June 23th, did not encounter any technical problems. This success is the result of several months of preparation led by the AFNIC teams and to which the .fr registrars have participated.

Unlike some ccTLDs, AFNIC regularly update registrars about the exact status of their technical services and infrastructure….
Over 37 thousand new .fr domains were registered in the first week.
Denic, the German registry, have passed the 10 million domain mark
And the ICANN meeting in Morocco is running until Friday

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.

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