Browser / OS Usage

Which browsers are being used and which OS is popular?
I’m always interested in this kind of information, but finding a good source for it is far from easy.
For my own amusement I thought I’d compare two sites I manage for the year to date.
The sites I choose were this one and and the results are hardly surprising: Browsers: Operating Systems Connection Speed

Compare that to: Browsers Operating Systems Connection Speed

As could be expected this site attracts “geekier” types, so they’re predominantly on broadband and using alternatives to Internet Explorer. A large number of them don’t use windows as their OS., on the other hand, is dominated by Windows users who use Internet Explorer and are on dialup.
What use is this info?
Not a that much use really, but I could use it to tweak so that it was more 56k friendly, while I could work on the assumption that anybody who made it here won’t notice if I’ve posted a couple of photos, or whatever 🙂

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


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