I love these broad sweeping generalisations.
They’re sort of fun …
According to a Ryanair spokesperson “bloggers are idiots”
At least they are consistent in their approach
The idiot in this instance is Jason and anyone else who mentioned his post (I presume we’re all guilty by association .. )
Honestly, Who cares what they think. People who come out and call someone who reports a genuine issue an idiot are really more hastle than their worth. Don’t pander to them. I may seem passive however causing a big uproar about this is a complete waste of time and energy as it’s not going to acomplish anything in the end. Jason was right in his report. I know that, you know that and anyone with any sense knows that. Ryan air got on the defencive and said things they shouldn’t have. It’s not the first time and it certainly won’t be the last. They are not popular for their fantastic customer service, it’s their low flights that keep people going back.
There are a few atrocious spelling and grammar mistakes on that Times Online article -surprisingly!
“questionning” – should only have one “n”
same with “questionned”
“Ryanair has confirmed that one its staff abused” – the word “of” is missing
“Pfft!”, I say!
Ok cheap sells, but it doesn’t cover for the needs of loyal customers.
Rewarding loyalty by consideration and appreciation is also free and if you consistently don’t deliver, the backlash will be tremendous. You can ask Dell about it, they have since learned.
Can’t believe that spokesman of such a large company can sound so rude when speaking to Times Online. It is odd for the first one too, but the spokesman? His profession is to sounds serious and polite. This only adds more negative light on not so shiny Ryanair reputation.