Best Hotel Booking / Search Site?

Which site(s) would people recommend when looking for a hotel?
I’ve used a couple but I may be missing out on good deals!

Categorised as Random

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. If you’re anything like me (God forbid) and you’re happy to book late then
    On a good day the lowest prices for last minute hotels – I stayed in some great 5star hotels in Thailand for peanuts. I’m sure it depends on the countries you have in mind though. They also run a basic affiliate program 🙂 and a 2% loyalty program.
    You may prefer to amend that link…

  2. And which sites do you recommend after the research!?
    Depending on the price of course…

  3. I always check out first when booking hotels in Ireland. Generally find them to have the best rates.

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