I would love to know what the criteria for the Golden Spiders judges was in selecting the Cork City website for a prize.
It certainly wasn’t for it’s design! Try viewing the damned page with the announcement
Technology, Marketing, Domains, Thoughts
I would love to know what the criteria for the Golden Spiders judges was in selecting the Cork City website for a prize.
It certainly wasn’t for it’s design! Try viewing the damned page with the announcement
It seems okay to me. I am viewing it with internet explorer. Maybe it looks worse in firefox.
John Paul – it seems that it looks “ok” in Internet Explorer only. It is not viewable in any other browser, which is more than a little disturbing for a public authority website
It made Firefox cry. Why are websites like this selected? Although is a Golden Spider really an “award” anymore?
Anthony – Not just Firefox!
I’m currently running it through sitevista to see how bad it looks
Thats funny – in a not so funny way. That website is appalling!
It just confirms what we all knew about the golden spider awards. Joke, joke, joke, joke, joke.