– Taken Over by Americans?

For some odd reason the Aer Lingus website is now defaulting to the display for US visitors. I’ve tried this from several different IP ranges and it always does the same thing.
Haven’t they heard of Geo IP??

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. I’m on NTL in work and at home – and both redirect me to the “americanised” version – really cheeses me off – especially when I hit!!!!

  2. I wonder how much this is costing them in sales. If an Italian were to end up on the US version of the site would they even bother to choose their country from the dropdown? Would they even be able to?

  3. I still get Irish results.
    Is anyone gonna take it upon themselves to let them know?
    Actually has anyone tried to see what’s coming back through a US/foreugn proxy? I wonder what the’re serving up to others around the globe?

  4. Contact Us page.
    Gave them a call and spoke to a nice girl who probably thought I was a nutter.
    Funily enough when I tried to explain that the site was serving US pages to Irish visitors she immediately told me that there was a box in the top RH corner for choosing the country.
    She said she would take a note and pass it on to their tech people.
    Lets wait and see how long it takes – should be very interesting to see their response time.
    Oh yeah I gave her your URL so they can check the comments.

  5. Try the following steps.
    1. Goto
    2. Click “need help” link at the top of the page
    3. Click help enquiry link
    4. Pop up window will appear.
    5. Since no options says “Website” or something relevant, select Other
    6. You will get a generic form (I havent tested it, so no guarantees it works )

  6. Oh and dont try and be cute clicking the first option in the dropdown, as they use javascript to redirect when you make a choice

  7. I’ve reported it twice over the last year (by phone the 2nd time). Whatever about GeoIP, you’d think would default to Country == Ireland!
    It’s nothing new, though, as it’s been like that for me for well over a year. My ISP is eircom, and my static IP block are IE in RIPE.

  8. You shouldn’t munge addresses on mailing lists either, it’s NAUGHTY. Talk about living in the past like…

  9. Adam
    Oh give over. If I pasted full URLs they’d wrap and people would whine
    Cathal – I only noticed when I started shopping for flights

  10. Set you language settings in Firefox to en-ie as the priority and it works. I think IE automatically picks up the system language settings, while Firefox doesnt’.

  11. Kevin
    That’s just silly. If they coded the site properly this wouldn’t happen. They could easily use a geoip lookup to work out where I am and redirect me to the correct version of the website.

  12. up untill now i thought it was just my problem
    i am living in germany and i can get front page germany but it always redirects me to the same and i could not book a flight for months either i flew with ryan air or got someone in ireland to book it

  13. I suspect they use your browser settings when deciding what homepage & language to display.
    IE : tools / internet options / languages.
    Firefox : tools / options/ advanced / edit languages.

  14. No, Firefox users just have to click on the drop-down menu is all.
    Really, it’s mildly annoying, but it only affects a fraction of their user base, but on the whole it’s a minor inconvenience. They’re unlikely to lose sales over it. It’s akin to having a slightly stiff door on the entrance to a shop, nothing more.

  15. Michele, they’re probably just assuming you have your language and locale set up to suit yourself already, so if you speak English and you’re in Ireland you have en_ie, or if you’re in Britain you have en_gb etc.

  16. @Kevin – anything that put an obstacle in the way of a sale is a bad thing.
    @Anon – It’s a dangerous assumption
    @Ian – No idea to be honest. I think a couple of people have tried to no avail already

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