Some bloggers, such as Darren Rowse, are able to make a living from their blogs.
I have no intention of ever making a living from blogging and my Google adsense stats reflect this. However I do make some money from other sites that I run adsense on – just not this one 🙂
Originally I was happy when I made enough from adsense to buy a few beers or pay for my Sky subscription.
Now I’m thinking of setting myself more interesting targets.
Setting a target gives it more focus, but doesn’t give any guarantees.
According to the adsense rules I am not allowed to disclose exact details, in terms of clickthrough rates and impressions etc., however I am allowed to disclose earnings.
Would it be of interest to people to see this kind of information or would that be pointless?
I’d be interested to know a bit more about it. Stuff like what sort of audience is clicking on ads, and on what sort of sites. I highly doubt tech audiences / tech blogs are capable of making much money through targetted ads, but I’d love to be proven wrong.
I’d agree with you. This blog hardly gets any clicks 🙂