WordPress 2.0 has been out for nearly a month, but as I mentioned previously, I did not want to upgrade until I was 100% sure that all the plugins I use worked perfectly.
The plugin that was causing me the most headaches was the Feedburner replacement one. Although the plugin author had produced a new version to take advantage of the new hooks etc., in WordPress 2 it didn’t work properly with permalinks. If you stuck to the default permalink structure, which in my opinion is pig ugly, it worked fine, but I really did not want to move my entire blog over to a setup with the wrong permalinks!
The solution was in the rewrite rule..
I use mod_rewrite a lot, but I’ve never been able to understand its internals 🙂
In either case if you edit the plugin file at around line 41 you should have the following line:
$rules = str_replace('RewriteBase ' . $home_root, 'RewriteBase ' . $home_root . "\nRewriteRule ^" . $feedburner_settings['random_source_url'] . '/?$' . ' ' . $home_root . 'wp-rss2.php [QSA,R,L]', $rules);
Note the bit I’ve bolded.
However the plugin author has also released a newer version that you could upgrade to which should “just work” 🙂
So, if I get the energy later this afternoon, I’ll be taking the blog offline for a few minutes while I attempt to upgrade it without breaking anything
Worst case scenario is that I’ll end up restoring from a backup 🙂
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