WordPress 2 woes

WordPress 2.0 is really getting on my nerves. I’m seriously regretting upgrading.

First off the WYSIWYG editor is bloated and the text area for editing is far too small. You can turn it off in the user options, but you cannot increase the size of the text area. This makes editing posts really annoying, as you have to scroll a lot more than is really necessary.
The post preview feature is really a bug. Yes it is helpful at times, but there seem to be more issues with it than actual advantages.
For one thing you end up with all the MySQL queries that you would normally get for displaying a post combined with the ones you need to edit it. I would hate to think about the side-effects of this on a busy server hosting a couple of hundred blogs.
Another aspect of the post preview is that it could cause serious issues with Adsense, as the adsense ads are loaded in preview mode by default. You can hack the code to disable them, but it doesn’t make it any less annoying.
Someone has released a plugin to turn off the preview thankfully
The permalink issues are the real problem for me. Two entire categories are completely gone as far as the outside world is concerned. If I post into either of them you won’t be able to see them in the category archive at all!!
Yes. It is open source software.
Yes I know the developers work really hard on it in their free time, but, and this is the thing, if they knew there were so many bugs why did they push for a release when they did?
Themes are a slightly different topic. A number of the, subjectively, nicer ones are completely unusable at present. It’s a real pity, but hopefully by the time WP 2 is a little less buggy this will be resolved.
Plugins aren’t too badly effected. The more popular ones were re-coded or modified to cater for the changes in the WP2 internals.
I’m now going to have sit down and think long and hard about this.
Should I wait for the WP developers to release some form of patch for the permalink issue?
Should I attempt to downgrade to the older version?
I’m in a bit of a quandry.

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Welcome to the club. 🙁 The permalinks issues are serious and I really can’t see why they had to push for a Christmas release knowing that problems like this were around.

  2. My mainstream blogging (kenmc.com) is all done with Wp1.52 as with most of my other blogs. I’ve got an install of WP2 on my testing server at home and still don’t see any reason to upgrade my primary blogs to WP2, having noticed some of the issues you mentioned above, and seeing WordPress somehow lose (anyone else notice this) posts, or parts of posts, midflight. If its theme’s you’re after, I’d suggest just building your own instead of waiting around for some of the nice 1.5 themes to get updates.

  3. Hey Guys, Whats wrong with this theme?
    I like it.
    I fixed up my permalinks by manually changing the mod_rewrite.
    I’ve left a lot of my blogs on 1.5.2 though.

  4. Hone – what do you mean about the theme?
    With regard to mod_rewrite the latest alpha build from last night resolved the issue 🙂

  5. “A number of the, subjectively, nicer ones are completely unusable at present.”
    “If its theme’s you’re after, I’d suggest just building your own instead of waiting around for some of the nice 1.5 themes to get updates.”
    It kind of sounded though you wanted to change your theme. I haven’t had any issues with the themes so far on wordpress 2.0. That being said I’m not looking to change a lot of blogs over until all of these issues are ironed out.
    That’s good news about the mod_rewrite

  6. Hone – I was referring to some of the more advanced themes that have extra functions builtin. While some of them may rely on functions that are available in WP 2 others don’t, so until their authors release an update there isn’t much I can do 🙂
    The mod_rewrite thing was the key for me. If I hadn’t got that working I would have had to downgrade
    Thanks for your comments

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