Which VOIP Service Makes Sense?

Although I don’t do it that often, I sometimes have to make calls to the US from home in the evenings.
This evening, for example, I’ve been dialed in to a call for about 3 and a half hours!

At present I’m using Skype, which works out pretty cheap and has the added advantage that I can use it on my laptop when I’m overseas.

Other friends are using services such as VOIPGate and JustVoip

Which service do you use and why?

Or is Skype the sanest (read – easiest) solution?

Categorised as phones

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Being the guy who recommended Justvoip, I can add that it is standard SIP, so you can use it with any SIP program on any operating system. I personally use it happily over wifi (and occasionally 3G) with my Nokia E51 which has a built-in SIP client.
    The main advantage of Justvoip is that the rates are very low, and when you buy 10E of credit they will give you free calls for 120 days to many countries (mostly landlines only, North America both mobile and landlines though)

  2. No, every time you buy credit you get 120 days of free calls again (they don’t add up though, so if you buy credit after 100 days, you will still get 120 days from the day you bought credit, not 140).

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