Tagging entries

There was some discussion on the Irish blogs group list some time ago about adding tags to posts. My problem with that was that I didn’t want to make more work for myself ie. I like posting without having to jump through hoops to do “funky” things with my posts. A WordPress plugin I’m currently testing should, at least in theory, make this a bit easier.
You simply chuck the keywords into the keywords box under the editing space. It should automatically feed the tags into technorati and do a whole load of other things which I haven’t had a chance to really explore.
Edit:I’ve now added a “keyword cosmos”

Categorised as Random

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Bernie
    I know, but I don’t really want an “irishblogs” category. I can tag posts as “irishblogs” and maybe even tag ALL posts with “irishblogs” by default.
    I’ve been looking into the way technorati and others handle tagging and this plugin seems to be able to give me a lot more flexibility.

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