Post Election Blues

Like a lot of people on this side of the Atlantic, I stayed up until the early hours of this morning to find out who would be president of the USA.

Congratulations to Obama and his team!

I have to admit that I fell asleep before his acceptance speech or possibly during it (no reflection on the quality of the speech, more a reflection of it being after 4am!), but I did get to hear McCain’s very gracious speech.

Today’s XKCD comic sums it up nicely (click to enlarge):

Categorised as humour Tagged

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Totally spot on. I feel so utterly shattered and hooked – it’s that awful feeling I always get the day after an election!

  2. Neil
    I fell asleep on the couch earlier this evening while watching a DVD. It felt like it was the middle of the night, but it was only just after 9pm!
    If it hadn’t been for the 8 years of Bush I probably wouldn’t have been as interested in staying up to see the results.

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