So ICANN have now decided to say “no” to the .xxx tld.
After fumbling around for the last few months the body that is supposedly in charge of the internet has displayed real democracy at work (or not!)
Of course this is the same body that recently gave Verisign a license to print money, so it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise.
Karl Auerbach sums it up nicely:
ICANN rejected the application for .xxx. This makes it indisputably clear that ICANN is a heavy regulatory body that seeks to impose onto the internet ICANN’s views on economic, business, and moral policies.
“Unless this situation is quickly repaired, ICANN will soon find itself on the rubbish heap of history.”
We’ve all been praying for that for years. The lunatics are still in charge of the asylum though.
Meant to say: Karl’s estimation of Versign’s profit margin is interesting. I’m curious about the 200 figure though, where did he get that from? (If anyone should know, it’s Karl, he fought hard enough to get information – any information – out of those buggers!)
It scares me that governments and corporations around the world still accept ICANN. They are an utter joke and despite being exposed as a joke, still hold the keys to the castle!!
I’m shocked and appaled.