My housemate has been blogging since he arrived in Ireland, however he does so in Polish, not English.
If you want to see some fantastic shots of Ireland his blog is well worth checking out.
So how many other non-Irish nationals are blogging about and from Ireland in languages other than English?
I’ve come across a few on some of the aggregators in the past, but it would be really fascinating to find out more. How do they view life in this country?
What kind of issues do they face?
Wow, those are great photos! Wish I could read Polish, too — I could do with the tips on archaeological sites worth a visit 😉
Very impressive! Just goes to show how fresh a perspective a non national can have!
He’s now thinking about doing a blog in English as well
I passed the link on to a polish colleage. I would love to know what he is saying.
Very impressive photos, must have cost a fortune in petrol to reach all those remote places!
A lot of them were taken on or near the digs he is working on, while others come from trips around Ireland…