Google PR update – still going

Judging by what I’m seeing the Google PR update still hasn’t settled down.
A couple of days ago I was seeing a clear PR of 5 on this blog, but now I see 4, while other people see 5. The only way to see what it is across all Google data centres is to use a tool like this one
You can change the URL to your own 🙂

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. some of the data centres seem to have reverted to old data yesterday, or over the weekend. i’ve seen this happen before on search results.
    i saw one article on this new update which said that a lot of sites actually lost pr – my own experience is that the sites i monitor have all improved, or at the worst held static, so i can only assume they’ve done something to drop pr on those sites which weren’t really being linked in to.

  2. Personally I think it is still too early to say. Once the “dust” has settled we should be in a better position to analyse this update.

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