Firestats 1.15 Stable Released

If you want an alternative view to your blog’s activity then Firestats is a really nice solution.
It won’t give you things like bandwidth usage, but it will give you plenty of information on referrers, visitors and pages visited.
You can also customise a lot of the display, which makes it the perfect solution for control freaks like me 🙂
Although I’m using it on a WordPress site, there’s absolutely nothing to stop you from using it on any PHP driven site, as it supports a range of CMS out of the box and also offers you a simple method for adding it to any php sites that you run.
All you need to do is add a couple of lines via an include. The CMS that it supports natively are:
* Django
* Drupal
* Gregarius
* Joomla (presumably Mambo as well)
* MediaWiki
* trac
* WordPress
EDIT: Including an actual link to the site would have been helpful!

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.

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