Cool Maps Service

I came across a few weeks ago on the webmaster forums, but I’m only getting around to post about it now 🙂
It’s described as:

A free service that provides you with a map that has a short URL, for example which is easy to remember and share with others. The user can then verbally tell others exactly where your desired location is.

And it’s exactly as described.
If you want to map your location (or any location) you can do so really easily.
For example:
silly little test
You can easily embed the map in your existing site, link to it and customise various aspects of the display.
Nice 🙂

Categorised as cool

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. So is my place but I guarantee you wouldn’t find it! No-one else can.
    They need more info on that mapping site. I entered my place name and chose my spot, and it just came back and said to enter my place name again etc etc. There is no ‘finish’ button or Step 3.

  2. Hi all,
    Thanks very much for the post about For companies in hard to find places, I think it is a very good solution, as you can now verbally tell others of your location, and they will find it, instead of getting lost on famous Irish Green Mile:)
    Vinny Glennon

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