Competition Is Good

The competition between adwords and MSN Adcenter is leading to some interesting knock on effects for end users.
MSN adcenter, although far from perfect, provides some features that advertisers probably wanted, such as targetting based on user demographics and the time of the day.
Google has now started implementing some of these features, which is pretty handy.
Let’s see what they all bring out next 🙂

Categorised as Random

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Adcenter is useless for Irish advertisers… Msn redirects Irish users to You many have noticed that the paid adverts are not set up on this will be a huge problem. I ran a campaign on some very popular terms targeting Irish users with no clicks at all.
    On the other hand I have another NEW site ranking #1 – #10 for about 30 – 40 terms on msn SERPS that get about 10 – 25 clicks a day. So why pay for clicks in the first place?

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