Adsense TOS Changes – Winners All Round

One of the aspects of the Google Adsense terms of service that has been annoying publishers for a long time was the exclusivity element.
Basically if you were running contextual ads using Adsense you were precluded from using any other contextual ad network.
While I could understand that Google vs YPN might have made *some* sense, as an Irish publisher this was irrelevant. However Amazon introduced its contextual product a few months ago we were all warned that it wasn’t compatible with Google’s terms of service.
The latest update to the Adsense terms of service has changed all this!!
While the recent changes originally were source of some confusion and irritation among publishers it now transpires that there was actually a silver lining.
Jensense, as usual, has the inside scoop. (via)
I’m not sure what that means in practical terms for the sites that I run adsense on.
On the one hand I would love to be able to run other ads on there, as in some cases they’d probably perform better, but I also don’t want to swamp the sites with ads. I guess it’s time to go play a bit 🙂

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.

One comment

  1. Michele –
    I for one, was especially excited to hear about this. I run a free, contextual advertising service and many of our users use our service as a compliment to Google Adsense. This update should put their minds at rest and I’m sure many other advertising networks are breathing sighs of relief as well.

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