Which Tape Deck? Which Turntable?

A typical portable desktop cassette recorder f...

Image via Wikipedia

Between my mother moving house and my grandfather’s passing I’ve been forced to go around the country collecting possessions. In amongst the Spanish and French literature I found a few boxes of cassettes, but of course I don’t have anything to play them with….

So what tape deck should I get?

I’ve also recuperated my vinyl collection, but again I’ve nothing to play them with.

Categorised as Music Tagged

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. I don’t know what is available on the tape front these days, presumably there aren’t too many models being produced now.
    I have a nice Yamaha one I picked up a few years ago, it’s been pretty solid, infact I find most Yamaha stuff to be fairly reliable. I wouldn’t touch anything Philips makes with a bargepole. Generally most Teac, Denon, NAD and Sony stuff are reasonably reliable.
    I guess it depends on what your usage will be, whether you plan on using it a lot or just want something basic enough to transfer the tapes onto your computer and convert them to mp3 / oggs etc.
    I can’t believe Richer Sounds still have the same website they had when I worked there 8 years ago. I did offer to redesign it for them a few years ago but they never got back to me.

  2. Thanks for the feedback and suggestions.
    I’m not 100% sure what I want. I have quite a bit of vinyl that I don’t have on CD or any other format. Some of it was never released on CD (eg. C-Cat Trance’s first album). I’d like to be able to listen to the vinyl and maybe copy it to a digital format. The tapes – similar kind of situation, but I think I’ve replaced most of the originals with CDs at this stage, so it’s not as important
    I guess I’ll have to spend some quality time on ebay 🙂

  3. Have a look around some car boot sales, you’ll probably pick one up for minimal cost. You’ll be able to find some dirt cheap vinyl as well.

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