The Satisfaction of Eating Your own Fruit

For the last couple of years I’ve had a couple of berry bushes that produce very small amounts of fruit. Not enough to do anything with.

This year, however, I’ve got quite a few things planted that will hopefully produce fruit and vegetables in usable quantities.

The first fruit to produce a crop was one of my strawberry plants that gave me enough decent sized strawberries to actually eat.

There’s more fruit appearing across multiple strawberry plants so I’m trying to collect them as quickly as I can as I really don’t want to lose fruit to birds or other wild beasties.

I’ve no idea how well my other plants will do, but I’m hoping that by planting so many tomato plants and chilli plants that I’ll have been able to hedge my bets enough to get some return.

Either way I’m delighted that so far I’ve got some edible fruit from my greenhouse!

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.

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