Stable DSL Makes Me Happy

I’ve had a DSL connection from Magnet Business (formerly Netsource) for the past 5 years.

I was just looking at the connection stats for the last few months and I must say I am pleased.

Apart from the hiccups last week, which were caused by Eircom NOT Magnet, my connection has been rock solid.

Looking at the graph below (click to enlarge) you can see a few gaps, but they all coincide with periods when I was either out of the country or away from Carlow for an extended period (eg. Christmas). Before I go away for a few days I always disconnect just about every single electric device in the house, so the DSL obviously won’t work!

Before anyone asks, the line is monitored from our network in Dublin, as we monitor loads of other things as well adding my DSL line seemed logical.

As I work from home from time to time (especially early in the morning) being able to rely on my stable broadband connection is important.

For the technically minded, the monitoring and graphs are all handled by Smoke Ping.

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Me too! From my own experiences there is only one reliable Irish ISP – Magnet. I use them at work for about 6 months now and at home for 18 months or so. It never goes down, and the speed never drops. Neither Eircom or ESAT were able to upgrade a Limerick city centre line to 2Mbit downstream (Eircom just said no, ESAT tried and speeds dropped from 1Mbit to something akin to dial-up). Magnet had it sorted in less than a week (not including the huge delays either BT or Eircom or both caused along the way). IIRC they also cost less than the offerings form ESAT and Eircom, but … prices change all the time.

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