Special Reader Offer – Save 10 Euro On Domain Names!

Every now and again I like giving people little extras. Sometimes I give away hosting accounts, other times I give away domain names and from time to time I give discounts.

Today I’m giving away discounts on IE domain registrations.

Simply use the coupon code “mneylon” when signing up for an IE domain on the Blacknight site and save yourself €10.

The code is valid until the end of the month and is only available to readers of this blog.


By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Cheers for the offer, I’ll pass it on.
    What I would like to know from you if you can, Is whats the uptake been like on PDN’s.ie because I might just grab mine just to have it rather than to use it. Has there been a lot of interest in them?

  2. Rahood
    We’ve seen quite a bit of interest. A lot of politicians and others who are entitled to register their names under the existing regime have been sorting themselves out, while we’re seeing signups for the new PDNs every day.

  3. Thanks for the swift reply.
    Thats Christmas sorted then for all the family and friends.
    Political vermin were a given…..

  4. I see a lot of blank faces come Christmas time but the next step in my diabolical plan is to move them over to Zenwalk and away from Windows.
    I see you run CentOS on your Linus servers,(Ubuntu on some) I took notice of them having read just how they delt with Jerry Taylor from Tuttle.
    Well worth a read.

  5. We run Centos on some, RHE on others. Ubuntu is only on my personal servers which have nothing to do with the company 🙂

  6. I have 17U next country over and you are making waves in the hosting market..I might well take a rack and have the rest shipped over from webair
    Any jerry type stories that you would care to share..You must have several hidden just to pay for dinner.

  7. Hi Michele
    I’m veering on a slight tangent here.. 🙂
    Don’t know if you came up with anything else on Rackfloor but I hear that Rackfloor have partnered with Packet Exchange. James their CEO gave a bit of a press release earlier. There still isn’t a lot out there! except that it still underway in Limerick.

  8. @Rahood – if you want to talk business just give me a shout 🙂
    @Trinity – I think PE are doing bandwidth like they do for us, though I could be wrong. It all depends on how you market it!
    @Ken – Don’t forget the deleted list – I keep finding gems on it!

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