Podcasting Using Linux

As I mentioned a few days ago, I am currently toying with the idea of podcasting.
I got some excellent feedback from people about the physical equipment that I should be using and have since been exploring the software options under linux, as I will be doing it from my home desktop which primarily runs Ubuntu linux and not windows.
In terms of hardware I should have Shure SM58 microphone within a few days. I’ll be able to hook that into my soundcard via the XLR to jack cable that I already bought off eBay.
In the meantime I may resort to using Skype. I came across a script which supposedly lets you record your skype conversations without having to use two pcs, however I haven’t been able to test this yet (Anyone wanting to help me test this theory please email me!)
The choice software for mixing the audio on linux seems to be restricted to Audacity. It’s supposed to be functional, although the GUI is really ugly.
In terms of listening to podcasts iPodder seems to be the most reliable software client that I’ve come across.
The other issue that I needed to find a solution for was the actual publishing of the podcasts themselves.
While I know that feedburner supports podcasts I wanted to explore other options as well.
Should I publish podcasts here or on a separate podcast blog?
I’m erring towards a separate blog simply to manage the feeds etc., but I’m still not sure.
One interesting article I came across gives some insight into using torrents as well as, or as a replacement for, standard mp3s. I’m not sure how easy implementing that would be, but it could be worth exploring in greater depth.

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. I never understand why people need two PCs to record skype. I do it on one with NO special software. I use one soundcard dell’s built in bog standard. I run a mixer into the line in, my external mixer has a Microphone ‘Rode Broadcaster’ and 2 of the 18 channels play in the sound of the line out into the external mixer. To avoid the expected and massive feedback, mute the Input Monitor in the volume mixer on the PC. Skype recordings are of my broadcast professional mic locally and the other side of the Skype call through the line out via mixer and back in again, sound is sweet.
    for rolling your own podcast feeds on linux have a look at dircaster. its a PHP script that uses the ID3 tag data (only!) to describe a new item in the feed.. I don’t use it but have previously. I find hand coding the RSS for podcasts the best way to stay on top of silly / important changes in the iTunes namespace declaration and other RSS enclosure advancements.

  2. On the question of a separate blog my comment comes not from the management of posts and podcasts – it is from the subscriber side. Will they be an integral extension of your exising posts or a distinct and separate piece of work?
    That for me would be a key factor in whether they should be in a separate blog.

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