Podcasting For Idiots

I’ve been interested in the inner workings of podcasting for some time, though I still haven’t actually got round to doing anything about it!
In any case yesterday’s BarCamp featured some really interesting people talking about cool stuff (not all of it was that geeky!).
The first session that I made it into was given by two podcasters that I truly respect, Bernie Goldbach and Conn Ó Muíneacháin.
Conn has been podcasting as gaeilge (the Irish language) for some time, while Bernie not only podcasts regularly, but has a wealth of experience in teaching other people to do it.
The talk was a combination of talk with slides and practical workshop. Bernie kicked off by explaining what he was going to do ie. put together a podcast in about 20 minutes or so and then Conn gave us a load of really useful tips on getting started.
What was fantastic about the talk was that they made it all seem so accessible and easy, so even my non-technical companion at the talk was able to follow the entire process with ease (at least I think she did!).
Hopefully Conn’s slides will be available soon, though I know he’s having issues with his broadband
On a sidenote I took a couple of photos that you can see here

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Michele – thanks for stopping by my blog. I moused over and saw you were blogging about podcsting.
    You might be interested in these two free resources on my blog about podcasting.
    1. I am leading a teleseminar today at 6pm on the subject of corporate podcsting with the host of the Corporate Podcasting Summit Europe – you will find details here:
    you can register at http://www.bizgrowthnews.com
    2. You can access a 70 minute interview I did with Dave Nelsen of a company called TalkShoe where you can podcast for profit – they do a revenue share with you – and all you need is a phone.
    or go here to download it as an MP3:
    Do let me know as and when you get started with your podcast.
    Best wishes

  2. Podcasting is easy enough. I think I got set up for just over a hundred Euro. 1 mike / cable, a desk with four stereo inputs and a few cables so I could get sound in and out to the computer. I generally used it for recording tutorials. The hardest thing I found was creating the XML feed. I used asp to generate it by pulling the relevant records from the database but because I didn’t specify the content type as XML I spent days trying to figure out why it wasn’t validating! Well, you live and learn. I don’t know much about recording / editing / anything else regarding sound production but it was kind of interesting. You should give it a go. Oh another thing I messed around with was recording using an IRiver H120 MP3 player. It’s a hard disk based player with an internal mike and does the job nicely. Of course, the quality isn’t as good as when sitting in front of a computer but it’s worth it. Plus, another thing that drove me crazy while recording through the computer was the background noise and interference of the fan etc.

  3. Krishna – I run irishblogs.com, so I check all submissions manually.
    Darragh – I have an iRiver as well.. I could give that a go.. Just need to find the power supply

  4. Another advantage of doing that is it can be configured to take care of all the compression automatically so all you have to do is upload the file.

  5. Michele – ah now I know the face behind the site! Thanks for all that you do.
    Darragh – if you need help on editing your audio check out audacity.com (free software) and if you get stuck, let me know – we edit audio all the time for ourselves and our clients.

  6. Michele – thanks – yes I have just submitted my blog there – I’ve been spending time recently posting my blog to blog directories to help my traffic, links and hopefully my Google rankings. I appreciate you sharing this with me.

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