The OED is on special offer until the end of January. You can get the 20 volume set for a “mere” £499 Stg until the end of January.
They describe it as:
# he 20 volume Oxford English Dictionary is an unrivalled guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over half a million words
# The Dictionary traces the evolution of over 600,000 words from across the English-speaking world through 2.4 million quotations
# Historical in focus, each of the OED ‘s entries contain the word’s earliest known use, as well as later examples which help plot the word’s subsequent development in English
# Its quotations are taken from a broad range of English language sources – from classic literature and specialist periodicals to film scripts and cookery books
# Elegantly designed for maximum legibility and printed to the highest standards on the finest quality paper
I’m almost tempted to grab a copy, though, with my LA trip coming up I can’t really afford to be splurging ….
I got my copy last year – it’s quite a collection… shows the boxes as they arrived