Yesterday morning there were new versions of the kernel for both my desktop and server Ubuntu installs.
The servers, needless to say, don’t have demented graphics cards, so there were no issues.
My desktop, however, was a totally different matter.
After the kernel upgrade X refused to start, which was more than a little annoying.
When I upgraded this PC a few months ago (ie. replaced the old one with a new one !) I ran into some difficulties with the graphics card, an Nvidia GeForce 7900GS. That time “envy” was the solution, so I went back this time to see what I could find out.
Envy has a command line option, so my issues post upgrade were solved by running this a couple of times until I was able to get X to behave.
Unfortunately Envy does not configure Xorg to run at the highest resolutions possible, so you can either manually edit the configs OR re-run the Xorg config:
dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
choosing “nvidia” as the driver.
Restarting X (CTRL ALT Backspace) and you should then have a reasonably high resolution again 🙂