Netscape Is Dead

Netscape is now officially dead.

It’s kind of sad to see it go, but I guess it was inevitable. While it may have been one of the dominant browsers back in mid 90s I can’t even remember the last time someone mentioned using it.

I think Netscape was the second browser that I used. The first one was of course Mosaic

Nowadays my primary browser on Linux, Apple and Windows (which I rarely use) is Firefox.

Farewell Netscape. You served us well

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Mosaic… that brought back some memories. I vaguely recall the very first time I used it as it came free with my then CompuServe account in ’92 or maybe ’93 and I thought I’d try it out on my 2400 baud Hayes modem dial up connection. I think the only site I actually successfully connected to was an Australian University site on radio astronomy. Needless to say I didn’t bother again for another year. Things moved pretty fast and by 2005 I think it was the first stable release of netcape (1.1N maybe?) that i was using. Anyway, whenever it was Yahoo! had recently appeared making it much easier to find stuff of interest. How the times have changed.

  2. It really is sad to see the end of Netscape. Does anyone remember some of their other products, i.e. Netscape web server and directory server, both were excellent products too in their own right, and live on in some shape with Sun and Redhat.

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