Net Visionary Awards 2008 Photos?

Net Visionary Awards 2008, originally uploaded by blacknight.

I went along to the Net Visionary Awards the other evening planning on taking loads of photographs.

Between one thing and another I only took two – one has “lovely” red eye, while the other is terribly out of focus.

Now I could blame my sister, who kidnapped my proper camera a few months ago, but it’s really my own fault. I’m simply hopeless at taking photos!

Categorised as events

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. I guess this means any hope of seeing evidence of you wearing a suit and black tie is gone now… Well, hopefully these are just the first 2 of a long series of well-deserved awards, so there will be other chances 🙂 Congrats!

  2. Francesco
    I think some of the others who were there managed to get photos of me, but I haven’t got my hands on them as yet.

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