Irish Spammers Attempting to be Legal

The last week has seen a spate of Irish spam hitting our inboxes.
One this evening that got my attention had the gall to include the following line in their footer:

Notice: Notice: This email is confidential and may contain copyright material of XXX XXXX (the “Company”).
Opinions and views expressed in this message may not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of the Company.
This Irish Law compliant business email was sent to xxxx@xxxxxxx.xxxx. Click to NOT receive more messages.

So let’s see if I get this ..
UCE not only annoys me and wastes my time, but now comes with legal disclaimers AND claims to comply with Irish law?
Irish legislation on spam is weak at best, but spamming my spamtrap is really dumb….

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Its bull at the best of it… Nothing I hate more than spam mail! Especially now given they’re trying the Irish colours on the mail…..
    Is there any documentation online in relation to spam and Irish law?

  2. There’s very little really. Most of the legislation refers to SMS spam etc., however there is this :
    In essence the Irish legislation protects personal email accounts, but not business ones, so if I get spammed at an email address then I would be able to report it. However the reporting procedure is far from simple. It may be due to the complexity of reporting spam that such a low level is actually reported to the Data Protection Commissioner

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