Realex have won a very tasty contract – the online payments for one of the largest online shops in Europe – CDWow!
While I’ve known about this for several months I had promised their CEO, Colm Lyon, not to blog about it until they’d officially announced it, which I see they’ve now done.
I’m delighted for Colm. He deserves every success.
Just looking at the SBPost article. Is repeating the first paragraph a new way for Journalists to up the word count?
I hope it goes well for Realex.
That seems to be a common problem with the Post both online and offline.
It’s a great branding coup, as the Realex logo appears every time you go to make a payment
Great news for them. Have met Colm a few times and he seems a genuinely nice guy.
So now everytime you buy a CD or DVD from CDWow you’ll be supporting another Irish business 🙂