Installing MailScanner on DirectAdmin with exim

This howto was written in order to help users of DirectAdmin install and correctly configure MailScanner with Exim.

 It is based on several years experience working with MailScanner and has been used in the installation of production servers running a variety of rpm based linux distributions including:
 RedHat 9




While every effort has been made to make this howto as comprehensive and easy to follow as possible the author welcomes feedback.

Before you start you should install vim.

On most Red Hat Enterprise clones, such as Centos, the following command should work:

yum install vim-enhanced

I would recommend creating a directory such as /home/installstuff or similar for any files / packages related to your MailScanner setup.

The next step is to install SpamAssassin.

There are a number of ways of doing this, however the developer of MailScanner has put together an easy to use package that will install all the required perl Modules for you. It can be downloaded here.

NB: As of SA 3.1 the licensing has changed for some of the plugins. You will need to enable razor etc., in the *.pre files in the /etc/mail/spamassassin directory

Now to install MailScanner.

First download the MailScanner rpm tarball from the website.

There are usually two versions available – stable and beta.

wget location of file
tar -zxvf MailScanner file
cd MailScanner directory

For example, to download and install the current beta version at time of writing the command would be:

tar -zxvf MailScanner-4.50.8-1.rpm.tar.gz
cd MailScanner-4.50.8-1

Relax and have a cup of coffee.

Once the install is finished you can proceed with the setup of MailScanner to work with exim.

You need to change the permissions on the MailScanner spool directory:

chown -R mail.mail /var/spool/MailScanner

MailScanner works by running two processes of the MTA.
One listens for SMTP connections (inbound mail) while the other processes outbound mail.
If you think of it like this:

mail > exim > MailScanner > exim

Mail is passed from one exim process to the other via MailScanner, where all the content checks are conducted.
For this reason you need to have two .conf files for exim. One for each exim process.

Always create backups!

cp /etc/exim.conf /etc/exim.back

Make a copy to handle outbound mail:
cp /etc/exim.conf /etc/exim_send.conf

Edit the exim.conf file:
vim /etc/exim.conf

and add the following lines in the main part of the configuration:

#Added for MailScanner mail queues and logging

spool_directory = /var/spool/
queue_only = true

queue_only_override = false

log_file_path = /var/spool/exim/msglog/%slog

 MailScanner comes with its own startup script, so you can safely get rid of the original one:

 #cd /etc/init.d/
cp exim exim.orig;chmod -x exim.orig
rm exim

However, DirectAdmin will check for the exim file, so we create a symlink to fool it:

ln -s MailScanner exim

NB: You may need to do this again if a DirectAdmin update installs a new exim init script

Create the following directories:

mkdir /var/spool/

mkdir /var/spool/

mkdir /var/spool/

mkdir /var/spool/

then fix the ownership:

chown -R mail.mail /var/spool/

Now you need to customise your MailScanner.conf both for your particular server and to let it know that it is running exim:

Open MailScanner.conf in vim as follows:

vim /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf

The file is very well documented. Please read it!

You should edit the following settings:

%org-name% = servername

%org-long-name% = Your Company Name

%web-site% = www.yourwebaddress.tld

Now to tell it about your exim configuration.

Find the following lines in MailScanner.conf and edit as indicated:

#Run As User = mail

#Run As User = postfix

Run As User = mail
# Group to run as (not normally used for sendmail)

#Run As Group = mail

#Run As Group = postfix

Run As Group = mail

Incoming Queue Dir = /var/spool/

Outgoing Queue Dir = /var/spool/exim/input

Sendmail = /usr/sbin/exim -C /etc/exim.conf

Sendmail2 = /usr/sbin/exim -C /etc/exim_send.conf

MTA = exim (as opposed to sendmail)

You can further tweak your MailScanner settings later on.

Some more changes are needed to finalise your setup.

MailScanner should autodetect exim, but you need to make a number of changes to /etc/sysconfig/MailScanner
do the following:

mkdir /usr/local/exim/

mkdir /usr/local/exim/bin

make the following symlinks:

ln -s /etc/exim_send.conf /usr/local/exim/exim_send.conf

ln -s /etc/exim.conf /usr/local/exim/configure

ln -s /usr/sbin/exim /usr/local/exim/exim

ln -s /usr/sbin/exim /usr/local/exim/bin/exim

To test if it is working properly or not issue the following command:

/etc/init.d/MailScanner restart;tail -f /var/log/maillog

You should see something like the following:

Shutting down MailScanner daemons:
MailScanner: [ OK ]

incoming exim: [ OK ]

outgoing exim: [ OK ]

Starting MailScanner daemons:

incoming exim: [ OK ]

outgoing exim: [ OK ]

MailScanner: [ OK ]

Keep an eye on the logs for a few minutes.
If anything is wrong you should see an error in them.

In order to increase your setup’s effectiveness against spam and viruses you can now tweak your settings.

As I already mentioned, the MailScanner.conf file is very well commented, so read what the configuration options are doing before you actually change them on a production system.

This method of setting up MailScanner has been tried and tested.

It works for us, however any feedback is always appreciated.

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and CEO of Irish hosting provider and domain name registrar Blacknight.


  1. Hi Michele
    When you say to edit the exim.conf file and add lines to the main part of the configuration, what section of the exim.conf file should I add the lines to?

  2. Hi again
    You say “MailScanner should autodetect exim, but you need to make a number of changes to /etc/sysconfig/MailScanner”. However, from what I can see, you don’t mention any changes to this file.

  3. Paul – how are you?
    Add the lines to the top of the exim.conf file.
    Ignore the bit about making those changes – I’ll remove them from the howto, as they refer to an older version of this document

  4. My problem now is that when I try to send mail to my server I get:
    421 Unexpected failure, please try later
    I have checked:
    but I can’t see much happening in any of them.
    /var/log/maillog shows MailScanner starting but not exim.
    /etc/rc.d/init.d/exim confirms this with just MailScanner showing as running OK.
    /var/spool/exim/msglog/mainlog and paniclog just show:
    2006-01-31 00:30:34 failed to open /etc/virtual/whitelist_domains for linear search: No such file or directory
    /var/log/exim/mainlog shows lines like this:
    2006-01-31 00:06:20 exim 4.60 daemon started: pid=22608, -q15m, not listening for SMTP
    Any ideas?

  5. /var/log/exim/mainlog
    exim 4.62 daemon started: pid=10602, -q15m, not listening for SMTP
    I cand send or received mail ?

  6. Install MailScanner
    chown -R mail:mail /var/spool/MailScanner
    chown -R mail:mail /var/spool/MailScanner
    cp /etc/exim.conf /etc/exim_outgoing.conf
    pico -w /etc/exim.conf
    and add the following lines in the main part of the configuration:
    spool_directory = /var/spool/
    queue_only = true
    queue_only_override = false
    log_file_path = /var/spool/exim/msglog/%slog
    pico -w /etc/init.d/exim
    [ -f /etc/sysconfig/exim ] && . /etc/sysconfig/exim
    [ “$DAEMON” = yes ] && EXIM_OPTS=”$EXIM_OPTS -bd”
    [ -n “$QUEUE” ] && EXIM_OPTS=”$EXIM_OPTS -q$QUEUE”
    Change this to:
    [ -f /etc/sysconfig/exim ] && . /etc/sysconfig/exim
    [ “$DAEMON” = yes ] && EXIM_OPTS=”$EXIM_OPTS -bd”
    [ -f /etc/sysconfig/exim ] && . /etc/sysconfig/exim
    [ “$DAEMON” = yes ] && EXIM_OPTS=”$EXIM_OPTS -C /etc/exim_outgoing.conf”
    [ -n “$QUEUE” ] && EXIM_OPTS=”$EXIM_OPTS -q$QUEUE”
    Create the following directories: /var/spool/,
    mkdir /var/spool/
    and assign them to mail.
    chown mail:mail /var/spool/
    pico -w /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf
    and change theses settings:
    Use you language for reports
    %report-dir% = /etc/MailScanner/reports/fr
    %org-name% = (Your org. name)
    Run As User = mail
    Run As Group = mail
    Incoming Queue Dir = /var/spool/
    Outgoing Queue Dir = /var/spool/exim/input
    MTA = exim
    Sendmail = /usr/sbin/exim -C /etc/exim.conf
    Sendmail2 = /usr/sbin/exim -C /etc/exim_outgoing.conf
    Virus Scanners = clamav
    Use SpamAssassin = yes
    Always Include SpamAssassin Report = yes
    # pico -w /etc/sysconfig/MailScanner
    EXIMINCF=/etc/exim.conf # Incoming configuration file
    EXIMSENDCF=/etc/exim_outgoing.conf # Outgoing configuration file
    mkdir /usr/local/exim/
    mkdir /usr/local/exim/bin
    ln -s /etc/exim_send.conf /usr/local/exim/exim_send.conf
    ln -s /etc/exim.conf /usr/local/exim/configure
    ln -s /usr/sbin/exim /usr/local/exim/exim
    ln -s /usr/sbin/exim /usr/local/exim/bin/exim
    killall exim -9
    killall MailScanner -9
    service MailScanner start
    Starting MailScanner daemons:
    incoming exim: [ OK ]
    outgoing exim: [ OK ]
    MailScanner: [ OK ]
    service MailScanner restart & service exim restart , same
    Shutting down MailScanner daemons:
    MailScanner: [ OK ]
    incoming exim: [ OK ]
    outgoing exim: [ OK ]
    Starting MailScanner daemons:
    incoming exim: [ OK ]
    outgoing exim: [ OK ]
    MailScanner: [ OK ]
    exim 4.62 daemon started: pid=10602, -q15m, not listening for SMTP
    and in
    un 2 05:51:33 server1 MailScanner[15079]: Spam Checks: Found 1 spam messages
    Jun 2 05:51:33 server1 MailScanner[15079]: Virus and Content Scanning: Starting
    Jun 2 05:51:34 server1 MailScanner[15079]: Uninfected: Delivered 1 messages
    Jun 2 05:54:20 server1 MailScanner[15259]: New Batch: Scanning 1 messages, 1548 bytes
    Jun 2 05:54:21 server1 MailScanner[15259]: Spam Checks: Found 1 spam messages
    Jun 2 05:54:21 server1 MailScanner[15259]: Virus and Content Scanning: Starting
    Jun 2 05:54:22 server1 MailScanner[15259]: Uninfected: Delivered 1 messages
    Jun 2 05:58:33 server1 MailScanner[15251]: New Batch: Scanning 1 messages, 2912 bytes
    Jun 2 05:58:33 server1 MailScanner[15251]: Expired 1 records from the SpamAssassin cache
    Jun 2 05:58:34 server1 MailScanner[15251]: Spam Checks: Found 1 spam messages
    Jun 2 05:58:34 server1 MailScanner[15251]: Virus and Content Scanning: Starting
    Jun 2 05:58:36 server1 MailScanner[15251]: Uninfected: Delivered 1 messages
    Jun 2 06:01:01 server1 update.virus.scanners: Delaying cron job up to 600 seconds
    Jun 2 06:03:37 server1 update.virus.scanners: Found clamav installed
    Jun 2 06:03:37 server1 update.virus.scanners: Running autoupdate for clamav
    Jun 2 06:03:37 server1 ClamAV-autoupdate[21957]: ClamAV update warning: /usr/bin/freshclam: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Jun 2 06:03:37 server1 ClamAV-autoupdate[21957]: ClamAV updater failed
    Jun 2 06:03:37 server1 update.virus.scanners: Found generic installed
    Jun 2 06:03:37 server1 update.virus.scanners: Running autoupdate for generic
    **** /usr/bin/freshclam: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    how to fix it ?!

  7. Disable the virus checks temporarily, so you can get mail etc., and Mailscanner will do most checks without it. I’d then check your ClamAV install – try the clam av and spamassassin installer from the Mailscanner downloads:
    and install it all manually from there
    Your error sounds like a missing rpm or library of some kind, but you haven’t specified your OS

  8. I have setup 6 servers with DirectAdmin/MailScanner following your instructions. Four of the servers use Exim 4.31 and have not had an ounce of trouble with them since installation 12 to 24 months ago. Just recently, 2 other servers, one converted 10 months ago with Exim 4.50 and a new server last week with Exim 4.60 I am having really big problems.
    The server with 4.50 I have re-installed the instructions twice, once 6 months ago and last week. The mail queue justs freezes up and in the /var/log/exim/mainlog it says exim 4.xx daemon started: pid=xxxxx, -q15m, not listening for SMTP. then when I revert back to the original Exim.config it frees up and works again.
    The same applies to the Exim 4.60 and after looking at the configs of the servers that have not given any problems I noted that the problem is where to place the queue and logging instructions on these later servers.
    With the Exim 4.31, the q &l was placed near the top, but within the the config file. With the 4.50 and 4.60 versions of Exim I first placed it before the the ACL data and then moved it to the top of each config file before the start. By placing it before the ACL you do not get any readout through the maillogs file. If its placed at the top you do get readouts but you get not listening on port 25 message in the mainlog file.
    MailScanner I find is a great programme for viruses and spam when used with exim. All servers handle between 10 to 20 thousand emails per day. All except one run Redhat 9, the exception runs Centos 3.8.
    Would you have any ideas on the solution to this problem? Your help would be appreciated.

  9. John
    If you are having issues you’ll find me and others on #mailscanner on freenode.
    It’s probably the best place to debug your issues 🙂

  10. Fixed the problem on both servers. It was a matter of finding the right position for the G & L instructions. The message in the /var/log/exim/mainlog saying that exim was not looking for smtp on port 25 is really telling you that MailScanner is in control of the Exim Mail Programme. It means nothing, it does not stop or hinder the mail delivery system.

  11. No I replaced the exim file with a simlink from MailScanner as per your instructions above. Your instuctions are perfect. It just was a matter of placing the Q & L instruction in the right place midway between the reference to listening on ports 25 and 587 and the first mention of ACL’s. If you place it before,in or after the ACL section you won’t get MailScanner logs in the /var/log/maillog directory. This concerns DirectAdmin exim.conf’s in versions 4.5x and 4.6x.

  12. Hello Michele,
    I installed mailscanner as in you’re instructions. I think it was succesfull. I am watching the log file for a few minutes.
    Then I tried to send a test virus in a text file and attacthed id to a message: $CEliacmaTrESTuScikgsn$FREE-TEST-SIGNATURE$EEEEE$
    In the log I see the virus is caputered and it says: Notices: Warned about 1 messages. But the message never gets it to sender or receiver. I never recieved any warning about the virus in a mail message.
    Is something wrong or is this the way mailscanner/ClamAV works. I would like to see that the message is deliverd without the virus text file and with a warning message.
    I hope this is possible

  13. Thanks for replying so fast. I took a look in MailScanner.conf and changed these lines:
    Deliver Disinfected Files = yes (was no)
    Still Deliver Silent Viruses = yes (was no)
    But still there is getting no mail message to the reveiver. Can you point me to the right direction?

  14. After invoking the command: /etc/init.d/MailScanner restart
    I mailed the message again and the fake virus mail is recieved by the receiving party with a message in the replaced virus.txt.
    That is working like I want it. The question is this safe to do it this way? And are ther other settings I should be aware of?
    Thanks in advance

  15. Igor
    You need to do a restart after any changes you make to the configuration.
    If you are handling a lot of mail for a lot of users you probably won’t want to deliver the .txt with the warning about viruses that they cannot do anything with.
    The main things to ensure you change are the hostnames and other details towards the top of MailScanner.conf (though I think you are forced to do that by the installer script in recent versions)

  16. I have installed one to one mailscanner from here. It’s worked wonderful. But how can update it ?
    Can anyone explain it in this way how can i mailscanner make update.
    DA 1.29.7

  17. Murat
    Upgrading MailScanner isn’t complicated.
    On an rpm based system you would simply download the latest installer. Extract it and run the install script. As it’s an upgrade you would then have to follow the upgrade section at the end which means running upgrade_MailScanner_conf and upgrade_languages_conf.
    If you run either command without any parameters you will see their usage:
    If you are using the RPM distributions then try this:
    cd /etc/MailScanner
    upgrade_MailScanner_conf MailScanner.conf MailScanner.conf.rpmnew >
    mv -f MailScanner.conf MailScanner.old
    mv -f MailScanner.conf
    If you are using the tar distribution so that the old version is in
    /opt/MailScanner and the new one is in /opt/ then:
    cd /opt/
    ../bin/upgrade_MailScanner_conf /opt/MailScanner/etc/MailScanner.conf /opt/ >
    mv -f MailScanner.conf MailScanner.old
    mv -f MailScanner.conf
    To keep your old comments in your original file, add “–keep-comments”
    to the command line. Note that this will mean you don’t get to find
    out any extra new values you might be able to use in existing “improved”
    configuration options.

    I’ve also posted on upgrades separately on this site, so have a look in the MailScanner category archives

  18. I’m in the process of configuring centos 6.1 x64, exim 4.76 and mailscanner 4.84.3 on DirectAdmin 1.41.1 and have run into the issue whereby specifying a config file with the -C switch no longer runs exim as root unless a TRUSTED_CONFIG_LIST file is defined in Local/Makefile.

    Problem is, I don’t know whether a TRUSTED_CONFIG_LIST file was defined in Local/Makefile because Exim was installed from da_exim-4.76-1.x86_64.rpm.

    Anyone else managed to sort this out?

  19. I’ve spent many hours on this and so thought I’d share my findings in case it proves helpful to anyone else.

    I used this article as the basis for setting up my old server and am now setting up a new one running much newer versions of CentOS, Exim, etc.

    My MailScanner.conf contains the lines:
    Sendmail = /usr/sbin/exim -C /etc/exim.conf
    Sendmail2 = /usr/sbin/exim -C /etc/exim_send.conf

    /etc/exim.conf and /etc/exim_send.conf are both symlinks:
    # ll /usr/local/exim/configure /usr/local/exim/exim_send.conf
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 Aug 19 23:07 /usr/local/exim/configure ->
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 Aug 19 23:07 /usr/local/exim/exim_send.conf
    -> /etc/exim_send.conf

    The problem I found was that both exim instances failed to start from
    /etc/init.d/MailScanner with entries like this in /var/log/exim/mainlog:
    exim user lost privilege for using -C option

    I realised this was due to the security changes in exim so recompiled
    exim from source using the instructions at because the version I was running wasn’t built with the new TRUSTED_CONFIG_LIST functionality. I added it and left everything else alone:

    # grep trusted_configs /root/exim-4.76/Local/Makefile# grep mail
    # grep exim.conf /root/exim-4.76/Local/Makefile

    However, this still didn’t solve my problem.

    After much messing about I checked the values being used by the /etc/init.d/MailScanner script and found that although it contains the following at the top of the file:

    It actually uses the values in /etc/sysconfig/MailScanner which were:
    EXIMINCF=/usr/local/exim/configure # Incoming configuration file
    EXIMSENDCF=/usr/local/exim/exim_send.conf # Outgoing configuration file

    So I updated /etc/sysconfig/MailScanner to read:
    EXIMINCF=/etc/exim.conf # Incoming configuration file
    EXIMSENDCF=/etc/exim_send.conf # Outgoing configuration file

    The trusted_configs file had only one line:
    # cat /usr/local/exim/trusted_configs

    After this, exim and MailScanner started OK.

    Note that I didn’t need to have /etc/exim.conf in /usr/local/exim/trusted_configs because it was set as the CONFIGURE_FILE in the exim Makefile.

  20. Hi,

    Is it also possible to run this on an external box so that all other servers send the e-mail to that box and then to the reciever ?

    Kind regards

  21. @D Baars
    Yes – you can put a server in front of your other mail servers and have it setup as a filtering / scanning box. Doing that would mean that you wouldn’t be restricted to your configuration ie. you could use a much simpler setup.
    We’ve done this in the past. We’ve also done setups where we put a machine in front of a mail cluster that just did DNSBL checks on inbound mail before handing off the remaining mail to internal servers for standard scanning and delivery etc.,

  22. @D Baars – also .. if you’re going to setup a server to handle the scanning only before passing the mail along you’d need to configure it to do this ie. scan the mail and pass on to the next machine and NOT try to deliver the email locally.
    Depending on your choice of Linux distribution and mail server how you do this will vary



  23. @Michele im currenlty setting up a test box with centos 6 x64 and exim just basic server and gona play a little with it and seen how far i get.
    Thanks for the response

  24. @D Baars – no problem.
    If you haven’t done so already I’d recommend checking out the MailScanner mailing list – it’s a very good resource

  25. I follow the instruction step by step.

    When issuing command /etc/init.d/MailScanner restart;tail -f /var/log/maillog everything is fine

    But in DirectAdmin in service monitor Exim is Stop

    and thru squirrelmail cannot send email

  26. Hi rizal,
    What does /etc/init.d/exim status give you as output ?
    If is says runnen then most likely the second exim That should be runing isnt runing and therefor direct admin says its not runing.
    with mailscanner you run 2 exims and directadmin Only knows of 1.
    you can try debuging both exims and See why the second One isnt runing.

    Kind regards

  27. Hi rizal,
    What does /etc/init.d/exim status give you as output ?
    If is says runnen then most likely the second exim That should be runing isnt runing and therefor direct admin says its not runing.
    with mailscanner you run 2 exims and directadmin Only knows of 1.
    you can try debuging both exims and See why the second One isnt runing.

    Kind regards,

  28. @Michele i have set up a box and want to let all other server to relay the email true this box with mailscanner i got it all working but i think that the emails that are relayed from other servers aren’t beeing scanned by mailscanner becouse the emails that are send from local have the mailscanner footer added to the emails but the relayed emails do not have it.

    What can this be ? it looks like the emails are send out right away without beeing procesed

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