One area that has always fascinated me is language.
I’ve made references to some language abuse in the past, but one area that I’ve never mentioned directly is the lingo of “geeks”.
I use IRC (internet relay chat) quite a bit, although I spend more time “idling” than I do actively “talking”.
One of the channels that I frequent caught my eye this evening:
it’s not the principle i object to, so much as the implementation
one person commented.
So what were they actually talking about?
A sentence out of context can be hard to classify, but normally the choice of vocabulary provides an indication. In this instance the language is semi-formal, and the tone or register could best be described as technical. The use of the word “implementation” is highly suggestive of something in the technical realm.
Would that analyis be correct?
At face value – yes, however they were actually talking about food. A snack to be precise.
It made me think about the way techies and geeks use and abuse language on a daily basis. At times it is quite worrying. At others it can be very amusing, as long as you actually understand the references.
l33t post tbh
l33t post tbh
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