For a variety of reasons I’m currently using windows as my desktop at home (this will probably change as soon as I have the energy to do something about it 🙂 )
In any case I ran into an interesting issue this evening with a domain’s DNS. While I could see that the root nameservers had picked up the change and any server on our network could see the new IP, my windows desktop couldn’t. I wanted to see what was going on, so I grabbed a copy of dig for windows. It’s a handy little package that also includes a command line whois. Seemingly it was ported from debian and can handle most things quite well (it didn’t know what to do with a .mobi though!)
hi michele,
you may (or may not) be aware of the very useful unixutils package available for windows. which also include alot of usefult tools (not dig tho’-go figure!)
and there is always cygwin.
Hp 2007.
Thanks for the link. I’ll have a look at it 🙂
I have used cygwin in the past, so I should have thought of that!! I’d have been a lot more comfortable with it 🙂
Hmmmmm…the GNU utilities for Win32 page on Sourceforge is there, but the download link doesn’t work.
Also doesn’t appear to have been updated since 2003.