Up until earlier today I was using an interesting plugin called Adsense Injection which randomly displays different sized ad units on your posts (in random positions).
While readers may find the adsense placement annoying I was amazed at how screen readers dealt with them, or more accurately, didn’t.
Darragh went to the trouble of posting what his screen reader gave him while “viewing” a post and I was shocked by what he was getting:
google_ads_frame frame
Ads by Google
Supporting Sir Robin Knox-Johnston Velux 5 oceans campaign
google_ads_frame frame end
(with my post text before and after)
The screen reader was incapable of differenciating between the text in the posts and the text in the adverts.
In order to mitigate this issue for Darragh and any other visually impaired readers I’ve moved all the adsense out of the posts completely for the moment (I may place them at the top or bottom at a later stage – I have to familiarise myself with “the loop” again).
Big thanks to Darragh for pointing that out to me!